The following is a fabrication created completely in my mind and not in history or fact it is just the movie idea that is plaguing my brain. This place is being documented for potential future creative exercises and applications by whomever may see merit in any part of this story.
As you know, last year I broke my ankle in Paris when I tripped on a loose cobble stone in Painter’s Square. While I was awaiting X-rays in the hospital the most peculiar elderly person began to tell me about a place that has since been dancing in my imagination as to whether it could exist. You see, the story I was told happened to be a history, of sorts, that had been passed down through secret family heritage for greater than five thousand years, allegedly. I don’t know why this person of Greek birth decided to tell me of this place, maybe it was dementia, maybe some confusion in thinking I was a relative, or maybe it was one last laugh by an old con artist, but no matter why I must pass along what I have learned.
This journey brings us to approximately 4,236 B.C. using our modern calendar system to a thriving metropolis that has, or rather had, technological prowess that rivals (and surpasses) many of the nations today. It is here we meet Arush, an aspiring young solar scientist that has been awarded an apprenticeship along side the long time rival Berdui’aamal. They are both assigned to work under the tutelage of Ambosia, the leader of the solar storage capacity and maintenance depot for all of Fa’ara’at Lantisia.
After two years of diligent service and impeccable results the two adversaries are still locked in fierce competition to be named the principal apprentice and designated heir to Ambosia’s position upon Ambosia’s retirement. It is this fierce competition that lead to what happened next.
The two apprentices wanted to impress Ambosia so badly that each in their own way had devised a secret plan to increase the rate of at which solar energy could be stored (Arush) and increase the energy density of each storage cell by 42% (Berdui’aamal). You see, in their haste to be the best, their each wanting to impress their mentor, and the desire to achieve results before the other could steal their ideas, both of the apprentices did what young persons full of zeal and ambition do. They added their upgrades and tweaks to the solar systems without consultation or permission.
Ironically, he competitors were so much alike they both chose to make their additions on the same day at nearly the same time. It was when Ambosia was attending the annual ‘Sand Resiliency’ efficiency review.
Unbeknownst to the two young scholars, right as they were both racing to greet Ambosia upon returning a chain reaction was occurring. The solar energy was being converted at such a high rate of speed that the electrical conduits were overheating and starting fires while the solar storage cells were swelling and building exorbitant amounts of pressure.
As Ambosia exited the transport both apprentices had large smiles, were giddy with excitement, and nearly unaware of the large explosion that took place on the far side of the city. That is, of course, until the inner dome ceiling (a force field of sorts) started filling with smoke and blocked the light from the sun. Then the field failed, the smoke was released, and a great release of air pressure swept across the desert sands that surrounded the city.
The explosion, the field failing, and the release of pressure caused massive amounts of sand particles to enter the atmosphere resulting in the worst sandstorm of any history. This sand storm was was fierce and sudden that is buried Fa’ara’at Lantisia in the Saharan sand ocean to be lost for all time.
In the thousands of years since Fa’ara’at Lantisia was lost even the name was lost. In 3,500 BC it was shortened to Ara’at Lantisia. In 2,000 B.C. the city was only At Lantisia and only used to describe something that had been misplaced or lost. If a person lost a goat they would say it was “at Lantisia”. Somewhere around 1,000 BC the name became one word Atlantisia, and shortly after the “ia” was dropped and it was just “Atlantis”.
Now, I do not know if this pace really does exist. A city lost is time, sunken beneath the ocean depths of sand but I am planning an expiration. You see, that elderly Greek man gave me directions to a tunnel in the catacombs of Italy that hold an ancient map to where Fa’ara’at Lantisia once existed. Shall we adventure together?