Ambitions keep me from missing you
Never stopping along the way
Traveling the path through history
Never listening to your story
Every star fades into the sun
A distance far from from your warmth
Isolated in a space of our own
An oasis without any other faces
Time for this star to shoot across the sky
Fake a smile, slight denial, for a moment
Our light mingles as though no longer single
Until we part as fate makes art
Every star fades into the sun
A distance far from your warmth
Isolated in spaces we have grown
An oasis without any other faces
Every fate dealt is sealed
Shine your light until it burns
Or your heat will always yearn
For the love of those you can’t discern
Every star fades into the sun
Too far from your warmth
Isolated in spaces we call our own
Stars fade away
In the cold they stay
Isolated by what has been earned
An oasis without any other faces
An oasis full of our disgraces