A mud patch is always easier to cross when someone else is the one trudging through the mud. Don’t judge unless you have been there.
Electromagnetic Lift: Time to create a vehicle lift for automobile mechanics what uses electromagnetic resistance? You could ‘drive’ the vehicle on the magnetic pad, turn on the system, place “mobile supports” under the vehicle frame, turn off the magnetic system, and push the vehicle on the wheel mounted supports to the vehicle bay assigned for the work. For additional safety, it is recommended that a non-ferrous ‘cage’ be constructed around the magnet to prevent lateral movement or tipping. Essentially the cage would ensure the vehicle rises vertically without turning, tipping, or sliding away from the magnetic resistance. One lift for many bays seems like a cost-savings investment that requires little maintenance of its own.
Pickup Trucks: Imaging being able to convert your pickup truck to a car to save gas or convert your car to a pickup truck to haul that load of wood, dirt, gear, or whatever. This is possible with a pneumatic electric-circuit integrated locking system and the addition of a third axle. You could haul a boat with your car to decrease total towing length or with your truck for the convenience of additional storage space. Essentially, you would be able to press and hold a button to ‘unlock’ your truck bed and frame. This action would permit automated lowering of “feet” at the front of the truck bed so it could remain in place while you drive away with the four-person cab that has a trailer hitch mounted. This design is possible, just needs to be created. A truck that turns into a car to permit easier metropolitan parking and reduced fuel consumption while still permitting the advantages of hauling and towing seems like an idea worth trucking around.
Rental Cars of the Future: Imagine hopping in a car at your local parking lot, tapping your phone-pay option or swiping your debit card, being charged for a certain amount of time, then driving away with a brand new automobile that will automatically enter auto-pilot and park once tour time has exceeded. This is achievable by integrating cellular based payment system into electric automobiles that have self-navigation capabilities. It’s time to upgrade automobile rental technologies with drive towards an advanced future.
Solar Powered Cruise and Freight Ships: Ship hulls can be partially covered with solar panels while the entirety of all roofs can be solar panels. The ocean’s surface will reflect light onto the hull while the roofing receives direct light. A diesel engine can be used for back-up purposes. It is time to start reducing reliance on liquid fuels, reducing fuel spills, and moving toward a cleaner ocean and future. Cruise ships and freighters that only require sunlight for propulsion seems like it could be one hot idea.
Electromagnetic Brakes: Imagine never having to bring your automobile in to have your brakes serviced because there are no mechanical parts that experience deterioration. This is theoretically possible using electromagnetic brakes that works as follows: the tire rim has two polarities that expand 140 degrees of the interior circumference of a tire rim, these correspond to electromagnets on the axel, when the driver presses the brakes power is supplied to the electromagnets which creates attraction to the magnetic surfaces in the tire rim, the harder the brakes are pressed the greater the magnetic force, the force causes the tire to “want to stop” where the rim magnetic surface and the electromagnet are at greatest attraction. If too much power is supplied to the electro magnet the tire will stop spinning and the automobile will slide so tuning the magnetic forces correctly is essential. Let’s graduate past the need for brake pads and constant vehicle maintenance, let’s upgrade to better brakes. Electromagnetic brakes, they are just better.
Infrared-Thermal Windshields: People who drive a lot know that headlights do three main things: attract bugs to be splattered on windshields, blind traffic traveling in the opposite direction, and reflect distracting amounts of light off of street signs. Headlights were how your grandparents drove at night, it’s time to level up. Windshields should be replaced with digital windscreens and headlights replaced with infrared and thermal cameras. Drivers can “see” everything on the road “normally” during the day through the transparent glass but in the evenings and nights the thermal and infrared imagery would be displayed on the windshield. This would not only reduce the number of dried insect internals but would also increase night visibility for drivers as well as bring greater attention to animals on, or near, the roadway via the thermal cameras. Headlights are limited use old technology that permit collisions with wildlife. It’s time to level up, stop using headlights, start using thermal and infrared imagery, and stop automobile collisions with animals and debris in the road at night.
Hydraulic Crash-Dampening Automobile Seating: Imagine if seats in automobiles slid on a hydraulic rail system when high G-forces were experienced, such as when a crash has occurred. It would reduce the shock impact on the human body and potentially help prevent internal car surface-to-body impacts. To maximize the efficiency, automobile engines (or batteries for electric vehicles) should be flattened and put underneath the cockpit. Imagine a car with maximum human occupancy room where the seats were cushioned with hydraulic rails.
High-Speed Submarine Rail and Saharan Sand Gold Mine: Imagine if there were structurally sound glass tunnels that spanned continents. What if you could travel from New York to Paris on a high speed rail 200 feet below the surface of the ocean? If solar logs were used in the Saharan Desert to power a kiln that created thick glass panels it is conceivable that a dual-layer tunnel could be constructed between various major cities. There could be a large outer tunnel with various sensors and mechanisms that would detect any leaks or breaches of structural integrity while the transit system was housed in the internal tunnel. Both the exterior and interior tunnels would be designed so as to be structural sound enough to withstand the atmospheric pressure expected by that water depth. Thus, any issue with the exterior tunnel would not impact the safety of anyone inside the interior tunnel; however, any issues with the exterior tunnel would initiate a break-fix process. Traveling from London to Washington DC in 4 hours on a high speed rail 20 leagues under the sea, what a fascinating idea.
Electric Jet Liners: what if jet aircraft were battery powered? Imagine if the fuselage was a solar log design and the jet engines created electricity. There could be ‘fins’ lining the inner wall of the front end of the jet engine that causes the fins to rotate magnets inside a copper coil to create an electric charge. Put simply, the front opening of the jet engine would be akin to an car’s alternator. There would be a small fossil fuel supply for emergency scenarios. All electric jet-liner fleets would be neat so why haven’t they happened yet?
Pop-Resistant Car Tires: what if the inside of a car tire was coated with a jell-type material that hardened when exposed to air? If a tire was punctured the internal air pressure would force some of the jell material out of the puncture creating a solid patch and preventing the tire from deflating. This “jell” could be separated from the internal pressurized air with a thin vapor barrier. Time to start making self-healing tires.
Solar Log Spoilers: if electric automobiles were fitted with solar logs as spoilers the automobiles could have a certain guarantee of charge while having the practical benefits of a spoiler. Just something to think about, especially since charging stations are still not widely available.