Space Systems

We have failed before we have started because we accept the unacceptable.

Force-fields: One area of physics I would be interested in learning more about is high polarity photons. If photons could be highly polarized it is reasonable to believe they can be used to create force-fields that prevent atomic matter from passing through, (maybe). Of course, the dissipation of electric charge may be relational to the wavelength of photon and atmospheric variables. If photons could be super-polarized they could be used to create force-fields around ships, block doorways (such as jail cells), or used in any other number of circumstances where the amount of ambient light can be controlled. I suspect if photons can be super-polarized, the concentration of super-polarized photons in a discrete space would determine the “strength” or “lethality” of the force-field.

Anti-Gravity: I have some idea I have absolutely no authority to even suggest but still would like to add to the universe. It is a little complex but I’ll try to relay the thought. Use a crystal filter to shift light refraction (specific light wave lengths) based on a known template. The light refraction (ultra violet through infra-red) create crystalline vibrations on a highly sensitive, fine tuned artificial crystal. The vibrating crystal creates atmospheric distortions that create minute thrust. An array of crystals makes a thrust bar with very low levels of thrust, several bars creates a thrust shelf, several shelves create a cabinet, several cabinets can lift a small object. Fly a helicopter with a flashlight? Maybe not, but maybe get it off the ground with the right tools.

Zero-Gravity Irrigation System: Imagine watering crops in space unmonitored. This is possible with a pressure-driven inflow, water wicking outflow system. The basic design of this system is as follows. One water source (hose) is attached to a circular tube (pipe) for every outflow (place where plants should be watered). The inside of the port where the water source enters the tube is a rubber diaphragm. Inside the tube are ‘Z’ shaped hallow plastic components. The top of the ‘Z’ is adjacent to the interior tube wall across from the in-port. The center of the ‘z’ creates a seal in the tube. The bottom of the ‘z’ is a rectangular frame with a solid tail pad. The out-port is the distance from the end of the top edge of the ‘z’ to the bottom edge minus 1 inch. Operation: when the in-port valve in uncovered water enters the bottom side on the ‘Z’ pressure builds and pushes the ‘Z’ until the out-port is exposed. The outport is covered with a moisture wicking pressure barrier. As the pressure equalizes the in-port closes and can’t open again until a certain pressure difference is achieved. As water is wicked out the ‘z’ bottom advances, the pad closes the in-port as the next ‘z’ advances. As all the water is wicked the in-port opens.

Exercise In Space: Imagine being in zero gravity, putting on your magnetic-elastic shorts, sitting down on your electromagnetic seat, strapping your feet into the pedals of your recumbent bike, and going for a nice space ride. Then, you rotate the pedal mechanism up to the arm workout position and have a vigorous arm, shoulder, pec, and lat workout. Working out in space using elastic shorts and a modified recumbent biking seems like a hot idea to me. (For reference, I have previously modified a recumbent exercise bike for an upper body workout and it is quite effective.)

Light-Speed Travel: Travel at the speed of light is possible or our understanding of physics is wrong. We have the technological capability to produce ‘liquid light’ and we have been using liquid propulsion systems for quite some time. According to the human understanding of physics “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”; therefore, if you use photon-based liquid propulsion the very minimum “equal and opposite reaction” would be acceleration that maximizes at the momentum of light. So, if you use liquid photonic propulsion you can achieve light speeds. Notice I am stating the speed of light is not a constant as proven by the effects of gravitation, certain substances, etc. Time to level up human understanding of physics.

Artificial Gravity: What if artificial gravity was achieved by wearing a body suit that had embedded ‘smart electromagnetic cells’ that were powered by a wirelessly charging batter pad. The suit would need to be fairly snug and the battery pad would be a fairly thin pad built into the lower back area of the suit. The batter would power the electromagnetic sensors with positive or negative charges based on body location. These would correspond to “magnetic cobblestones” that were embedded in the ceiling and floor of walkways with the ceiling having a slight negative charge and the floor having a slight positive charge. Place like the underarms of the suit, the chest, and upper back would have a negative charge (attraction to the ceiling) while the legs and torso would have a positive charge (attracted to the floor). If something went wrong with the power supplied to the suit’s electromagnetic strength the user could disconnect the batter. This suit should probably be an undergarment but Counselor Troi and 7 of 9 did make it look fashionable as outerwear. True, this does not mirror gravity but it’s just an idea.

Space Vehicle Air Conditioning: It has been a little while since I posted a possible way to develop space tech. We have covered food replicators, holodecks, photon torpedos, and air purification. Today we should talk about air conditioning. When materials are exposed to the conditions of space they freeze while radiation and other factors increase temperatures in spacecraft. The answer seems to be vent material, but it needs to be done in such a way that permits the recovery a majority of the frozen material for reintroduction into the space vehicle. This can be achieved using a vent that has a very fine, very thick, solid metal mesh that composes the walls of a solid metal container (cylindrical, pyramidal, or cubical,) that dynamically “opens” and “closes” to cool air within the air system. Essentially, when it was time for that particular “cooler/chiller” to operate a door would seal the contents and create an “airlock” between the internal space vehicle atmosphere and the contents of the cooler. Then, a second door would open and expose the contents to space for a short period. The material inside the cooler would freeze and then the door sequence would reverse and the frozen material would be metabolized by the air system. Just one idea.

Space Flight Skin: I heard a rumor that astronauts, cosmonauts, and spationauts wouldn’t need to worry about radiation or high-velocity small-object impacts if the exterior of vehicles were composes of 8 inches of silver wrapped inside 5 inch of calcium that is covered in 26 inches or used car tire rubber. That can’t be right can it?