Microbot DNA guardians: Wouldn’t it be neat if there were three kinds of medical microbots that traveled through the human body searching for cellular matter that didn’t contain the DNA of the host? One would travel through the circulatory system, one through the digestive system, and one along the nervous system. When the microbots identified cellular matter that didn’t contain the host’s DNA it would ‘push’ H2O into the cell until it ruptured then ‘consume’ the foreign DNA. Just need to be careful with gametes.
Hearing Loss Prevention: Imagine having a doctor inform you that you are experiencing hearing loss and that you should schedule an appointment for hearing regeneration services. This might be possible with ear-follicle transplant. More study may need to be performed but if you can transplant hair on other body parts it seems reasonable to believe restorative hearing services can be achieved. Restoring a person’s hearing without using batteries powered medical attachments sounds like a bang-up idea.
Cardiovascular Medicine: Imagine laying down, putting on headphones, selecting a soundtrack, and letting the sounds stimulate your heart and circulatory system to reduce plaque, increase heart strength, and increase blood flow and oxygen throughout the body. This may sound like complete science fiction but it is actually based on the physiological affects that music has on the human body. It is true there seems to be a distinct lack of public study of the effects of music on the circulatory system; however, it has been (I believe) verified that music does alter cognitive ability. Furthermore, most people will state there is specific music that motivates, charges, or hypes them up. Using sounds to generate practical medical benefits would be music to my ears.
Non-Disposable Medical Gloves: Imagine living in a world that wasn’t built on maximizing profits by minimizing the useful life of products like rubber medical gloves. Rubber gloves are designed to be disposable which leads to a great amount of rubbish which is terrible. It is possible to redesign the gloves with slightly increased durability without decreasing the tactile sensitivity. Medical gloves that can be safely reused and which reduce medical waste seems like an interesting proposition.
Next-Gen Face Masks: I can’t drink my lemonade with a face mask on. Time to start making medical face masks for public consumption that include straw holes.
Multi-Purpose Face Mask: Imagine a face mask that uses two separate filtration systems for air that is exhaled vs. air that is inhaled to prevent any exhaled contaminants from tainting your air supply. This is achievable by using a mask that is a vapor barrier with a hole centered over the mouth and two smaller holes slightly displaced over the corners of the mouth. The larger hole would have a flexible rubber gasket in the interior to prevent air from being exhaled. The central hole would be ‘capped’ with an air filer patch. The smaller holes at the mouth corners would have flexible rubber gaskets on the exterior to permit exhaling and which would have small air filter parches. This design ensures disparate airflows do not contaminate each other as well as permits mixed filter grades for conditions where inhalation needs greater or less filtering than air being vented from the human body. A face mask that reduces the surface area of required filtration material while ensuring air-supply cross contamination is prevented seems interesting.
Blood Stream Purification Wrist Band: What if all viral agents, bacteria, and harmful substances (like excessive sugars or cholesterol) could be filtered out of the blood stream in realtime? This would require some extreme tech. I imagine the wristband would connect to two “valves” that have been implanted as ‘taps’ into the arteries. When the wrist band is connected to the valves they are opened using digital keys. When the blood enters the wristband it is infused with anticoagulants then forwarded through a serpentine of filters and processes until it reached the anticoagulant filtration (removal of earlier introduced anticoagulants) and reintroduction into the human artery. Imagine filtering bacteria and making viral agents inert while reducing cholesterol and harmful sugars in realtime using a wristband. Extreme tech? Yes, but “Fahrenheit 451” seemed like an unlikely future when it was written.
Future Eye Tech: a dissolving lens made from biological material and which has transitional opacity will be developed as a post corneal implant to protect the human eye from light wavelength radiations.