Most Cybersecurity Attackers Aren’t Indoctrinated Into Group Think

We use educational institutions to indoctrinate children and foreigners (welcome new friends, you are much loved) into our society. Whether or not that indoctrination is a positive or negative is not a position which I can provide insights at this time; however, no matter if it is intentional or a byproduct indoctrination happens. When people are indoctrinated into the customs, rituals, beliefs, values, and so forth of a society they are programmed to think and act in a predetermined way. The greater the extent of the indoctrination the greater the consolidation of thinking and acting. We refer to this consolidation as ‘group think’. There are many organizations that require cybersecurity professionals hold a certain level of group think which actually decreases ingenuity and creativity. Whether it be group think at a bachelors, masters, or doctoral level the returns on creativity and innovation diminish as semantics and formalized etiquette are solidified. Those handicaps placed on organizations by group thinkers are not present in criminal organizations because the majority of criminal organizations have not received our cultural indoctrination and those that have usually have not received it to the levels mentioned above. Indoctrinated group thinkers do offer many benefits (such as having formalized learning processes) but they also have definitive handicaps. If your organization requires indoctrinated group think before a potential applicant can be considered for hire you may be limiting your own survivability. Hire both indoctrinated group thinkers and those that are independent from formal group think indoctrination.